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Reminder of where I live now on the internet:
I tumbl at
I twitter at @misscecil
I facebook page at
my website is
I hope you will come find me there.
love, cecil
Leave your name in the comments (or tweet me) along with your fave alien / human friendship/relationship (just for dorky fun!) and I'll draw the winners at random on August 1st.
On their way to start a new life, Tula and her family travel on the Prairie Rose, a colony ship headed to a planet in the outer reaches of the galaxy. All is going well until the ship makes a stop at a remote space station, the Yertina Feray, and the colonist’s leader, Brother Blue, beats Tula within an inch of her life. An alien, Heckleck, saves her and teaches her the ways of life on the space station.
You can read an excerpt of TIN STAR over at
add it at goodreads!

Come and say hello!
Thursday, July 18th
10 am Trickster* Panel with
Faith Erin Hicks, Lea Hernandez, Vera Bergasol
(* trickster is at 900 Market Street)
Get tickets here!
3 PM Signing TIN STAR advanced copies at the MacTeen Booth at COMIC CON
Saturday, July 20th
4:30 PM 如何加速访问国外服务器? -「云杰通信」:今天 · 企业用户在与海外企业对接时,访问海外服务器遇到了十分严重的问题。对于大部分之前一直访问国内服务器,甚至是没国外服务器的用户。在访问国外服务器的时候总会有很多的顾虑,不知道哪种国外服务器访问专线更稳定,能达到自身产品运行所需要的实际服务器环境。
with Douglas Wolk, Jeffrey Brown, Nate Powell, Janet Tashjian and Jim Pascoe
Room 26AB
Sunday, July 21st
9:30 am ODD DUCK signing at First Second Booth
And FYI there will be ARCs for you to snag at Comic Con. 3 PM MacKids Booth 7/18. Come and snag one!
add it at goodreads Tin Star

Rumpus Interview!
J Ryan Stradal interviewed me last week for the Saturday Rumpus Interview.
There will be (iced) tea and cupcakes! Bring your little ones and your odd ones!
Skylight Books /1818 N Vermont
3 PM

YA (and graphic) novelist Cecil Castellucci sold North American rights to a currently untitled Depression-era graphic novel to Dark Horse’s Sierra Hahn. The book, which William Morris Endeavor’s Kirby Kim represented, will be illustrated by Joe Infurnari, and is currently set for a fall 2014 release. The story is set in 1932 and follows, Dark Horse said, two misfits “and a relationship built during a train-hopping journey from the cold heartbreak of their eastern homes toward the sunny promise of California.”
Here we are before our adventure began!
I wanted to go onto the Winnie the Pooh ride. BUT WE GOT STUCK IN THE HONEYCOMB!
Or as Kevin Emerson, Sean Beaudoin, Rachel Cohn and I now will say for all things that suddenly go wrong: "Tigger spilt some honey on the tracks."
手机怎样看国外网站 and I in the Pooh "trap."
I also went on Splash Mountain which was wet. I was terrified at the drop.
Me and Gabrielle Zevin pre-drop. We talked a lot about the Bears. And Zippity Doo Dah.
I spent a lot of the day hanging with Sean Beaudoin. He even won me a stuffed mouse at the midway in California Adventure. He also won a Dumbo that he gave to a tiny child who waddled off with the biggest grin on her face. He also snuck in some Cruella de Ville time.
Anyway, it was a fun day and much thanks to Harper Collins for sponsoring the book signing afterwards and to Mysterious Galaxy for selling books.
Thanks to all of those who came out! You should totally come next year.
I will have Odd Duck buttons to give away. :D
Monday, March 25th
Dystopian YA Panel at Skylight Books
1818 N Vermont - Los Angeles
w/ Chris Howard, Sherri L Smith and Jennifer Bosworth
presented by The Los Angeles Review of Books
Thursday, March 28th
Teen Author Reading Series
w/ Margaux Froley, Sherri L Smith, Chris Howard and Aaron Hartzler
LAPL Central Libraray
630 w 5th Street
March 30th
Yappiest Day on Earth!Come join me and 15 other YA authors at Disneyland
Yappiest Day on Earth!Come join me and 15 other YA authors at Disneyland
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facebook invite here.

March 31st
Wondercon in Anaheim
Wondercon in Anaheim
Signing at Mysterious Galaxy Booth 11:30 - 12 #1201
Writing the Fantastic 2:30 - 3:30
Heroes vs. Villians 3:30p.m. - 4:30p.m., Room: 210BCD
Heroes vs. Villians 3:30p.m. - 4:30p.m., Room: 210BCD
April 6th
Literary Orange
1 PM Young Adult: The Awesome Age
Josephine Angelini, Cecil Castellucci, Jessi Kirby, Sarah Maas
Moderator: Allison Tran & Michelle Ann Dunphy
I'm hardly here anymore, but I tumble over at how are you? I'm so glad that you loved the story.
This playoff is very exciting! I am hoping we get it done on Saturday!